Consistent Discipline

Today's Scripture
Discipline your children, and they will give you peace of mind and will make your heart glad. Proverbs 29:17 NLT

Thoughts for Today
The Bible tells us to discipline our children. As in all things, we are to follow God's pattern. He always disciplines us in love and is always consistent. And so we should discipline our children in love and with consistency.

Emotional problems in youngsters are not so much a result of the type or amount of appropriate discipline given, but rather in the lack of consistency. Our children need the security of knowing what their boundaries are and what will happen if they cross those boundaries.

Consider this…
It is important that both parents agree on what behavior is acceptable and what is unacceptable. They must also agree on what type of discipline they will use when those boundaries are crossed. When parents cannot agree on these things, they should either try to reach a meaningful compromise or allow one parent to be responsible for discipline with the other parent offering support. Either way, parents should present a united front to the child. (This united front is important even if the parents have divorced.)

Consistent discipline is both appropriate and necessary in the training of a child. God disciplines us in love and wisdom. Let's do the same for our children. "Fathers, don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master." Ephesians 6:4 MSG

Father, help me to discipline my children consistently and in love and wisdom. In Jesus' name ...

These thoughts adapted from…
Godly Parenting by N. Elizabeth Holland, M.D. addresses parenting skills from the time of conception until the child has reached adulthood. It suggests methods for raising healthy, godly children in an increasingly secular society. Specific emphasis is placed on communication and teaching skills, discipline, protection and sexual issues at each age.

As with all Living Free small group curriculums, Godly Parenting can be used as an evangelistic tool by inviting unchurched people in the community to these helpful sessions and using the opportunity to build relationships and demonstrate the love of Christ, opening the door for them to be drawn to Him. 



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