Friends Show Up
By Rick Warren

“Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others” (Philippians 2:4 NCV).

The starting point of building great friendships is investing your time and energy. Deep friendships are not accidental. They are not instant. And they are not cheap.

Deep friendships are on purpose. They’re intentional. They are a choice.

Philippians 2:4 says,“Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others” (NCV).

If you’ll practice this verse and get interested in others’ lives, you will make more friends in the next two months than you would in two years of trying to get other people interested in you.

You can’t be a friend without your presence. So remember these two words: Show up! Just show up. Physical presence is essential to having a long-term, deep friendship instead of an acquaintance.

When somebody says to you, “You know that small group this week? I’ll be with you in spirit,” you know what that means? Nothing! It’s a bunch of bologna. You can’t be in spirit anywhere. If you’re not there in body, you ain’t there. Friends show up. They’re present.

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Talk It Over

  • What keeps you from being able to show up for your friends when they need you?
  • Who in your life needs your presence right now? How will you show up for him or her today?
  • With whom do you have deep friendships? What did it take to get to that point of friendship?

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Awesome Relationships Study Kit

If you’d like to improve all of your relationships then you’ll want to experience Pastor Rick’s new four week DVD study called, “Awesome Relationships.” In this amazing study Pastor Rick shows you how to be intentional about building up your relationships so you can experience the awesome relationships that you desire. 

Awesome Relationships Study Kit is our gift to thank you for your support of Daily Hope!

This devotional © 2016 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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