God’s Involvement

Some say that those of us who do not believe that God continues to regularly suspend natural law in our presence the way he did through the apostles and prophets in Scripture, somehow “put God in a box” or seek to diminish his work in the world. But if you think it through, it is actually quite the opposite. Those who ardently seek the supernatural alteration of “nature’s laws” are usually relegating the non-supernatural intervals to those times “between God’s work.” They imply that when God sees us “backed into a corner” he then “shows up” to bail us out or make a statement for his glory. But consider those of us who claim that God is active and at work every day, in every situation, working “everything after the counsel of his will” (Eph.1:11). We will be the ones inclined to proclaim that “his mercies are new every morning” (Lam.3:22-23) and that every day “the heavens declare the glory of God” and that “day after day they pour forth speech” (Ps.19:1-2). We will be the first to recognize that God is always working powerfully and sovereignly within the natural laws that he made, never surprised by our circumstances or the dilemmas of our lives. We will be apt to affirm that he sovereignly guides us through the challenges of our lives and that Christ indeed “is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col.1:17). There will be no doubt as we trust our wise and mighty God that “in him we live and move and have our being” (Ac.17:28).

 Pastor Mike


WFP offer
In a day when many assume that evolution is a proven fact, reconciling our faith with science can be a challenge. But a passion for God and His Word does not mean we have to set our reason aside! In the book Creation & Evolution, author Jay Seegert examines the evidence for both sides of the “origins” debate, and provides insight into where the Bible and scientific theories are compatible, and where they clash irreconcilably. I am confident this book will both stimulate your thinking and strengthen your faith.

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