What Can You Do for God?

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:20-21

Oftentimes we elevate serving God to the point that we overlook opportunities to have a real impact for Him. But the truth is, serving Him usually involves what’s happening in your life on a daily basis.

I remember my first Sunday school teacher, Mrs. Ernestine Henry, smiling at me and giving candy to the class. Her gentle spirit created a conviction in me that church is a good place—she made me want to be in God’s house. After 60 years, I still remember her smile.

Another example is my great aunt. Though I wasn’t able to spend much time with her, but the early years that I did, I clearly recall my visits at her home. She listened to me and shared what was going on in her life. During that time, she gave me several principles by which to live, and they’ve affected me all these years. The lessons she taught me as we sat in her house quiet come out in almost every sermon I write. So, her wisdom has blessed millions of people.

Don’t underestimate what the Lord is doing in your life. You may not think it’s important, but it is. What you say to people, how you treat others, and the way you handle adversity are like stored-up treasures—God uses these things to reveal Himself to the world. When you stand for righteousness and refuse to compromise, you are bearing witness to Him.

How is God serving His purpose through you? Before starting your day, say this prayer: “Lord, I choose Your way. Accomplish Your will in me, whatever that takes.” When you do, things will happen in your life that you never expected. God will bless you beyond all measure.

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