Hands-On Faith for Families – Week of March 11, 2024

Theme: Come to Jesus

The Promise

Scripture: And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (John 14:3)

Play: Prepare a basket containing items that relate to Easter (a cross, a nail, a stone, an angel ornament, coins, a branch of thorns). Ask each family member to choose some items from the basket and share the connection to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.

Talk: We celebrate Easter because Jesus lives forever, and we will be with Him forever. Before Jesus went to the Cross, He told His disciples that He did not want them to worry after He left them (John 14:1-14). He wanted them to trust God. He also told them He would come back to take them to a place He was preparing for them. He said it was His “Father’s house,” and it contained many rooms. They would be able to be with Him forever in the place He was preparing.

Pray: Thank God for sending Jesus, who provides a way for us to live with Him always.

Lettie Kirkpatrick Burress

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