Jan Markell talks to Alex Newman for the hour. Yes, there is a deep state and it is at war with God. And there is a new world order that the Bible talks about that will replace an existing system. The world is being set up for global government by a single leader and the deep state is involved today. Find Newman’s book in our online store.
It’s Time to Rock the Boat – Ken Mikle, Jack Hibbs, and Brandon Holthaus
9/6/2024Wars and Rumors of Wars – Dr. David Reagan
8/30/2024When the Ark Door Closes – Jeff Kinley and Pastor Josh Schwartz
8/23/2024Normal Won’t Return—Jesus Will – Michele Bachmann and Ken Mikle
8/16/2024Why There Must Be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church – Pastor Jack Hibbs
8/9/2024We’re Looking at the Beginning of the End – Tom Hughes, Jeff Kinley, and Todd Hampson
8/2/2024A comprehensive overview of end-times events—from rapture to eternity! In his all-in-one prophecy resource, Rhodes simplifies this complex subject with concise overviews of major viewpoints, topics, trends, commonly debated issues, and more.
A comprehensive overview of end-times events—from rapture to eternity! In his all-in-one prophecy resource, Rhodes simplifies this complex subject with concise overviews of major viewpoints, topics, trends, commonly debated issues, and more.