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He Must Become Greater - Beloved Women - January 13, 2025

READ:He must become greater; I must become less.” (John 3:30 NIV)

TODAY'S ENCOURAGEMENT: John the Baptist is an example of someone who truly walked out their calling. With fervor and zeal, John  fulfilled his calling to prepare the way for Jesus by preaching the gospel and baptizing many.

Despite all the great work he did, he made it clear in John 3:30 that Jesus "must become greater; I must become less." John understood that all the good work he did was not for himself. He knew it was for Someone greater.

Do you understand that about your life? We aren’t here to advance our own agenda. We are here to glorify God. In becoming less, we don't make our lives worse. We make our lives better by creating space to see God as greater. When God becomes greater, our problems and shortcoming have no choice but to become less.

So let's not make life only about us. Let's experience the joy of living for a purpose greater than our own lives.

PRAY: Dear Heavenly Father, You truly are greater! I pray for grace to focus more on You and less on myself. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

REFLECT: How do you stay focused on God and ensure He is greater in your life?

CONNECT: Study the Bible with Christina Patterson at and connect with her on Instagram @ChristinaHPatterson.

MORE BELOVED: Join Beloved Women for our next online Bible Study “Worth More Than Rubies: A Bible Study on the 7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.” If you’re tired of feeling like you are not enough and you can’t measure up, this study offers a graceful approach to learning about the heart of the Proverbs 31 woman. Learn more and join at

© 2021 by Christina Patterson. All rights reserved.

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