Hands-On Faith for Families – Week of March 20, 2023

Theme: Put Your Trust in God

Recognize Your Helplessness

Scripture: For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5:6)

Play: Hide a dollar or new toy somewhere in your house or your car. Ask your children to cross their arms, sit cross-legged, close their eyes (and remain in their seatbelts if in the car). Tell them that if they spot the treasure without saying a word or changing their position, they can keep it.

Talk: You probably felt frustrated. You were given a task, but you couldn’t use your arms, legs, or voice. You were helpless to complete it. Realizing your helplessness might make you feel sad. But helplessness can be a good thing if it means you’re admitting to Jesus that you are unable to reach God on your own. Our sin separates us from God, and we’re helpless to remove our sin. That’s why Jesus, who lived a life without sin, died on the Cross to make us pure (Romans 5:6). His sacrifice washes away our sins and allows us to be drawn near to God. Once we realize that we are spiritually helpless, we can stop trying to reach God on our own and ask Jesus to help us. How do our sins remind us of our need for Jesus?

Pray: Ask God to remind you of your spiritual helplessness so you will always know your need for Jesus.

Amy Simon

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