Hands-on Faith for Families – Week of October 16, 2023

Theme: Reflect God’s Image

In His Image

Scripture: So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27 ESV)

Play: Ask each of your kids to look in a mirror and tell you what they see: eye and hair color, freckles, glasses, a missing tooth — everything!

Talk: When we look in a mirror, we see our own images. God created us in His image (Genesis 1:27), but that doesn’t mean that we all look alike or look like God. It means that we are like God in some ways. We don’t just have bodies and minds; we have spirits and emotions, just as God does. He created many wonderful things, such as oceans, trees and animals, but only people are created in God's image. In what ways are we like God, and in what ways are we different from Him?

Pray: Thank God for loving us and for creating us in His image.

Amy Cobb

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