A Thankful Thanksgiving

Psalms 107:1 Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.


I’m sure right here at the beginning I will have some folks fall out with me.  It seems this year people are decorating earlier than ever for Christmas.  I love Christmas, I really, really do, but what about the day that has been set aside for us to “give thanks” for God’s bounty, love and grace.  What about focusing on Thanksgiving instead of Christmas first? 

My mother loved the holidays, but she was strict; Thanksgiving came first then we could begin decorating the house for Christmas.  As a little girl, I couldn’t wait for this magical time of the year, but as I am getting older, I am realizing how very special each day truly is.  I want to savor the moments and remember how blessed I really am. 

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and to come to the realization that what we all have is a gift.  As our world continues in chaos, it reinforces my responsibility to pray like never before for God to continue to watch over us and bless us despite the evil that abounds. And He has blessed us despite what we all deserve. 

As you gather around your table this Thanksgiving, perhaps there will be some missing family and friends that God called home.  Maybe a loved one is serving in the armed forces and didn’t make it back.  But, take the time to thank God for being God.  Thank Him for that meal, when there are so many that won’t be as blessed as you and your family.  Thank Him, for His precious son, Jesus that died for all humankind, even when many today still don’t believe that He really exists.  Just Give Thanks!!!  And when you do, the turkey may get cold because there really is no end to the thanks He is due!!!


Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your abundant blessings!!

Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage Devotional

Experiencing Revival



For more from Dr. Sheila Isom and Experiencing Revival, please visit www.drsisom.org