I have always lived my life by faith.  The ministry has taken me down some wonderful avenues and to be honest, some not so wonderful turns.  But in it all I would never want to trade what God has called me to do.  With that said, I wanted to leave with you my readers with just some thoughts from my heart.

After much prayer and evaluating I have decided that at the end of February, we will be ending our journey with Light Source.  I have enjoyed the time I have been here and certainly would pray that I have touched someone with God’s precious Word; the plan for our lives.   As with any kind of outreach there are always finances to consider.  Because of a loss of media support, I am no longer able to keep the program going.  There have been some faithful partners along the way that have been supportive and kept me here for almost 4 years.  But today we lack the support needed to meet our requirements.

Light Source has been a wonderful avenue and opportunity to preach God’s Word around the world.  The emails have brought such joy to us to hear that a message has made a difference in someone.  That’s the only reason I wanted to be here, to share the hope, faith and love that can be found in God.

I invite you to keep up with me via my website, www.drsisom.organd follow my blog as I will continue to share, “High Voltage” devotionals along the way to assist you in your daily walk with the Lord.  I feel like I am in a hot air balloon today, because I feel so blessed to have been given the privilege provide to preach to those of you in many states and countries.  Even if for a season, it has been a wonderful journey. 

Thank you for following me and to those of you who have prayed for me, what a great gift.   I love you all and wish for each and every one of you, God’s best!!  Just remember that whatever path you travel, easy or difficult God will always be there for you.  I will continue to pray for Light Source, the employees and all the wonderful people that tap into these pages on a daily basis. 

I have always understood that when one door closes another will open.  I am excited to see what God has in store for me next; and I know it will be another challenge!  I guess God knows that I will plunge into it; take the risk and fly!

Abundant blessings my dear readers!

I love you with the love of the Lord,


Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage

Experiencing Revival 



For more from Dr. Sheila Isom and Experiencing Revival, please visit www.drsisom.org