He’s Still There

I John 5:4………This is the conquering power that has conquered the world: our faith.


Often in this journey of faith, we may feel as if God has left us, but the truth is He is always near.   The enemy knows just how to make us feel so alone, lost and defeated.  God sometimes allows us quiet moments without hearing Him, to help our faith grow.  You may ask, “How can my faith grow when He’s not helping me?” But, He is helping your faith!  God wants to see just what you have inside.  Anyone can talk faith, but can they walk their situations out with faith. 

As we grow in faith, we also grow in wisdom.  It is that wisdom that finally teaches us that, even if we can’t hear His voice or feel His touch, He is there.  If he isn’t holding my hand, He’s still close enough to reach out and grab it.  The Lord desires us to grow and to learn the basics of trusting in Him.  Without a doubt you know that, “He’s still there,” in every circumstance.

As I travel I am constantly meeting people and often I hear, “I just wish I could travel around with you; if you were pouring into me, then maybe I could be stronger!”  My heart breaks and instantly I know that this person is looking for a crutch.  It’s not about if we can hang out with a minister all the time, or having to have someone come to the rescue every time you are frightened, fall or confused.  Please understand…I am not saying that we don’t need good positive input from others, but sometimes we want someone else to bare the pain; seek God for your answers; and do all you’re praying.  The fact is YOU have the same access to the Father as anyone else does.  

Your job is to go after God with everything within you….with FAITH……trusting and building a relationship with the Lord that can satisfy those needs.  Jesus wants to be your answer, He wants to be there for you, He wants you to reach out to Him.  So no matter what you face, whether you feel Him or not, He’s still there!

Dear Lord Jesus,

I pray for that brother or sister who is imbalanced in their faith.  Lord help them to build a relationship with you that is strong and secure.  Help them to be impregnated with the seed of satisfaction whether you touch them or stand a little distance from them.  Help them to know that you will always be there for them.

In Jesus’ Lovely Name!

Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage Devotional / Experiencing Revival




For more from Dr. Sheila Isom and Experiencing Revival, please visit www.drsisom.org