It’s a New Day

Micah 7:19 You will once again have mercy on us; you will conquer our evil deeds; you will hurl our sins into the depths of the sea.

Psalms 103:11 For as the skies are high above the earth, so his loyal love towersover his faithful followers. Psalms 103:12 As far as the eastern horizonis from the west, so he removes the guilt of our rebellious actions from us.

If you are like me, there are probably more mistakes than not in the life of Shelia Isom.  The ole saying goes, “We learn from our mistakes.”  I have learned from them, but doing it again seems to be routine.  I often become frustrated if I just sit and think about all my wrong choices.  “If only I had done that differently.”  But, we all make those wrong choices along this journey and now it’s time to move on. 

The worse thing we can do, is to dwell on our past mistakes, but in order to accomplish better we have to get beyond those memories of failure.  The great news is that in Christ we all have added opportunities to get things right.  Jesus’ blood gave us a way of escape from those dreaded failures and sin.  The mercy; the love; the compassion that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ offers is simply mind-blowing.  I just can’t seem to wrap my brain around His willingness to constantly forgive me of those same mistakes. 

The life we have available with Christ supersedes anything humanly we can be given.  Our past failures and mistakes are often not forgotten and certainly not forgiven by others, BUT GOD!!  Just when you think, this is it, I’ve messed up for the last time.  Jesus stands with arms outstretched to give you another chance to get it right.  Oh the love of Christ!  We are a most blessed people to have a Father who loves us unconditionally. 

If you are drowning in a sea of unforgiveness and guilt, then stop right now and give the Lord Jesus an opportunity to show you His unending love.  It’s a simple and easy alternative to what the world will advise.  No couches to lie on; no pills to down; and no mental games to try and cope with.  Just a simple prayer of forgiveness and then accepting the Lord into your heart and life.  Giving Him access in your deepest soul will allow Him to activate the real you!

Maybe you once knew the Lord and have strayed away; perhaps you have never accepted the Lord as your personal Savior, either, or He is waiting for you.  It’s a new day and you can live it.  The Lord will never remember your past sin and failure.  He lovingly forgives and forgets!

This is a simple prayer that I ask you to pray with me…….

Dear Lord Jesus,

I acknowledge that you are the Son of God and that you died for me.  I have failed in too many ways to count but I believe that you have the power and authority to forgive me of them all.  So Lord, I ask you to forgive me of all my sin, I ask you to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.  I ask you to come in and be my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  With my mouth I confess, and in my heart I believe, that I am a child of God. 

Thank you Jesus!


If you prayed this prayer please email me and let me know what God has done for you.  I am in agreement with you that this is A NEW DAY!!!


Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage Devotional

Experiencing Revival



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