Keep Your Cool!

Luke 21:19  By your endurance you will gain your lives.


The word “anger” is just one letter short of “danger.”  When you lose your control you run the risk of losing other things as well, like the respect of others or the chance to find a constructive solution.  Often when someone sees you “blow up,” they generally remember that always!   As a Christian without control, it may appear to another that you are shallow in your walk with the Lord.  We all have weak areas where we need God to deliver us, but you must be very cautious not to allow the enemy to set you up for the kill!

As we approach the Christmas season, I can’t help but notice the reaction of some extremely stressed shoppers.  If that sale price is incorrect; or God forbid that an item is sold out or; the extra long line to stand in after hours of being unproductive in those special gift choices!  People are watching every move made during this mad rush.  For me I like to wait until the week of Christmas when everyone else is finished and I have the store pretty much to myself.  (Smile).  Besides it feels more like Christmas to me, to slow down and enjoy the moment of it all. 

The Chinese have a saying, “Anger is the wind that blows out the lamp of the mind!” Now there’s something to think about.  So, before you react, take a walk, it burns off excess adrenaline and it’s more effective than stewing and it helps you to think more clearly and handle things in a way that you won’t regret.   Talk to the Lord and ask Him to send His peace to cover your mind.  “A quick tempered man does foolish things.” (Proverbs 14:17 NIV) Recognize the things you can’t change.  You can’t control other people’s attitudes and actions, or unforeseen events such as cancelled flights and traffic jams.  “What should I do?”  You might ask.  Count your blessings, particularly the fact you have God, salvation, your health, your family, your job, and a car to get around in, etc.  Be careful where you vent and who you vent to.  Make sure it’s someone you can trust.  Just be very careful that your words don’t come back to bite you.

Let your endurance be running from the temptation of failing!!  Emotions can be balanced!  Give it to God and Keep your cool!!


Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage Devotional

Experiencing Revival


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