II Peter 3:14  Therefore, dear friends, since you are waiting for these things, strive to be found at peace, without spot or blemish, when you come into his presence.


We are gearing up for our annual Experiencing Revival Crusade.  The theme the Lord gave me for this year is, “Shift.”  It comes from my own challenge to keep up with the rotation of my life and ministry that began last November.  I was attending a conference in Tennessee.  The messages were consistent with position, direction and purpose changes.  I could sense that God was indeed trying to say something deep, but it wasn’t until the ride home that it hit me hard. “Oh my goodness what is happening in my spirit?”  I could even feel something powerful inside shifting!


The Lord was beginning a new process in me and it was frightening.   It was a new focus, a challenge to not only hear but to obey.  Many things began to stir in my heart and in my spirit.  I knew that at this moment God was bringing me to a place in Him that would require my total obedience.  Some of the things I was sensing were really scary.   Literally I felt myself being pulled out of my comfort zone.  I knew after the many years that I had been in ministry that God was requiring something totally different.   I was now feeling a shift in my purpose and in my destiny. 


What I had to learn was that, God was not actually shifting my destiny; I was just shifting to a position that would propel me closer to my original purpose.  God has to move us into a different path at times to get us closer to that place he has already designed for us.  My thinking began to change; my purpose was being molded to include a whole new addition of ideas and possibilities.  What I wanted was being changed to what God wanted for me.  I had to make some really tough decisions that I didn’t understand at the time, yet I knew I had to trust God and roll with the punches.  It has been a painful season, but I know now I was birthing something that God had implanted within me before I was even born into this life.


We wait sometimes it seems like forever, but God is looking for faithfulness to keep pressing in even when it seems so far away.  We need to ask ourselves, “Am I just going through motions or am I really on the path to making a difference and reaching my position of purpose?  It’s not often an easy task.  The wait may present; confusion, chaos, depression and thoughts of quitting.  But when we feel like quitting that’s when you are being stretched; that’s when the enemy is turning up the heat.    


I believe many are living right at the moment of redirection, new territory and fresh purpose.  Here’s what I am sensing in my spirit right now for some of you reading this devotional.

I believe this is Word from the Lord………..


“God is about to Rock Your World.  The sand beneath you is above to shift……..What you know now will soon look foreign to you.  There is a very narrow window of opportunity to move into this Shifted ground.  Don’t look back but press forward into what God is doing.  Follow Him; trust Him; allow Him to direct your every step and every step is crucial.  Your life as you know it now is about to change.  Are you ready for the Shift?” 



Our world is in utter chaos and God is ready to move.  Are you going to move with Him, or follow the world?  Those who are faithful; those that are sold out to God, will follow Him into a new position.  Can you feel it?  Shift!  Hold on for the ride, God won’t let go……..SHIFT!! 


Dear Lord,

I pray for those you have spoken to with this word.  I believe it is a word in due season for someone.  Help them to trust you, it may seem as if their whole world is falling apart, but Lord help them to understand, shift brings change.  We can never move forward is we are standing still.  Conforming to Your will opens up new dynamics into their lives.  Help them to be strong and determined to see this through to the end.


In Jesus’ Name,



Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage Devotional

Experiencing Revival



For more from Dr. Sheila Isom and Experiencing Revival, please visit www.drsisom.org