Western Style Worship

Psalms 27:4I have asked the Lord for one thing – this is what I desire! I want to live in the Lord’s house all the days of my life, so I can gaze at the splendor of the Lord and contemplate in his temple.

As I was sitting in church this morning, I heard my Pastor say, “There are many things that can cause our faith to be compromised.  I began to think about those “things” and how dangerous it is when we run the risk of losing our real reason for what we do as a Christian.  Compared to many other countries, our western world concept of faith is rather unsteady.  Our patterns of worship consist of “timed” visits with God and various conditions that are based on what we expect to receive on our terms.  Ouch! That may seem rather harsh, but the truth often hurts.  The rush to do and perform has become the way of life for so many.


God is not microwaveable!  The things we do spiritually should not be a controlled environment by “man.”  Rather, God should be given the opportunity to come and spend the time He chooses.  This will only happen though if we truly want Him to come.  There are so many blessings whirling around us that we often fail to realize how God shows up for us even when we don’t deserve it.  We must be careful not to put demands on God based on our schedule.  God will move when the conditions are ripe.  Those conditions are based on our willingness to fall before Him, and allow Him to change us; to pray and seek His face consistently.


My encouragement to you throughout this very busy season is to slow down and spend time with the Lord on His terms.  He longs for us to just sit down with Him and converse.  He desires to meet needs, heal bodies, save the lost; deliver the bound and more.  We must serve and worship God with a grateful heart, not with a head of ideas about God.  It is a relationship with the Lord that is built on truth.


In the scripture (Psalm s 27:4), David expresses his desire for this kind of worship with God.  So, just like David we must pray for a desire to truly worship the Lord without all the distractions that come.  God is waiting for you, take the time; just go ahead and enter into His presence!  You will never be the same!


Dr. Shelia Isom

High Voltage Devotional

Experiencing Revival

For more from Dr. Sheila Isom and Experiencing Revival, please visit www.drsisom.org