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You Can Trust the Bible
By Rick Warren

“No prophecy ever originated from humans. Instead, it was given by the Holy Spirit as humans spoke under God’s direction.” 2 Peter 1:21 (GW)

The Bible is the most-read book in history. It’s also the best-selling book in history and the most-translated book in history. 

Yet it’s much more than that. It’s also God’s Word—God’s very breath. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (NIV).

That means the Bible isn’t just a good idea. It is God’s Word to us. One of the reasons I can know that the Bible is true and trustworthy is that it has thousands of prophecies that have come true. That’s right—every one of the Bible’s prophecies has either come true exactly as God predicted or will come true sometime in the future.

The Bible contains more than 300 prophecies about Jesus alone—all written a thousand years before he was born. People in the Bible prophesied about when Jesus would be born, where he’d be born, and how he’d be born. He couldn’t have manipulated his birth to fulfill those prophecies. 

It also predicted how he would die. A thousand years before Jesus died, David described Jesus’ death on the cross in one of the psalms. He didn’t use the word “crucifixion,” because no one knew that word then. But long before the Romans were even thinking about crucifying people, David described it.

Only God could have known that.

What are the odds that I could make 300 predictions about you and have every one of them come true? The odds are so astronomical that you couldn’t write the number down. It takes more faith to believe that the Bible’s prophecies were a coincidence than to believe that God planned them. 

The Bible says, “No prophecy ever originated from humans. Instead, it was given by the Holy Spirit as humans spoke under God’s direction” (2 Peter 1:21 GW).  

During Bible times, nobody wanted to be a prophet. The law in Israel was that a prophet of God had to be correct 100 percent of the time. If you were wrong just once, then you were considered a false prophet and would be put to death. A prophet better be right! 

And the biblical prophecies were right—every one of them. You can trust the Bible, because what the Bible predicts always comes true. 

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.