Pass the Fries
“Everything in heaven and earth is yours…Wealth and honor come from you…and we have given you only what comes from your hand…all of it belongs to you.” –1 Chronicles 29:11-16 (NIV)
For little guys, my children were pretty impressive at sharing. But like their daddy, they’re certainly not perfect.  I remember several days treating them to lunch at McDonalds. Not being very hungry for their gourmet cuisine, I ordered “Super Size Fries” for  my  kids  and  planned  to  bum  a  few  from  them. However, when I reached over on one occasion to grab my youngest  son’s  fries,  he  handed  me  one  shriveled  fry  and snatched the rest away.
Typically I would laugh and he would grin and we’d dig in. But this time a wave of “righteous indignation” hit me.“He’s teasing me! How can he not share a portion of my bountiful gift? Doesn’t he know that if I hadn’t provided these he’d have no fries, not to mention far more than usual? How dare he be so selfish with my blessing!”
God must have wanted to reteach me something, because I soon sensed His raised eyebrow looking at me. As I drove away, it dawned on me that my son behaved the way I’m tempted to act toward God. He gives so freely out of His bountiful wealth. In fact, He’s graciously chosen to give me so much more than I deserve—and certainly more than I need. And what do I do? To be honest, there’ve been times I selfishly hoarded His gifts. Other times I’ve offered back just a taste, a tease, and gotten fat on the rest. Sad, huh? Can you ever relate?
I’m not just referring to money, of course, but this incident reminded me of a conversation I heard of between a one- and a fifty-dollar bill. The dollar said, “Hey, where ya been? Haven’t seen you much.” The fifty answered exuberantly, “I’ve been hanging out at casinos and fancy restaurants. Just got back from a cruise and a resort. How ‘bout you?” The one dollar bill replied meekly, “You know, same old stuff—church, church, church.” Money talks…but God’s money should never talk that way!
David’s prayer at the dedication of offerings to fund the new temple (see verses above) helps me realign my priorities. How about you?
For Discussion: How is your willingness to give affected by knowing that:
God owns everything, (2) every good gift is from Him (Matt 7:11; Jas 1:17), and (3) what we give is from Him to start with?
Family Activity: Have each decide to share something special—any blessing from God—with someone else, even if they don’t deserve it!