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The Book of Zechariah, Part 21: "When Israel Meets Yeshua" NEXT EPISODE IN 10
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The Book of Zechariah, Part 22: "Yeshua: The Fountain of Life"

The Book of Zechariah, Part 22

The Book of Zechariah is a time-travel scroll which will bring us through many visions and revelations where we will see how God is observing and noting the actions of man. He is carefully regulating the flow of history and preparing His glorious coming to earth.

In this book, the past, the present and the future are often intertwined within the same scene, and even in the same couplet of verses. Time, in all its forms, is frequently reduced to a moment so that one can see the beginning and the end where, regardless of the problem or the size of the giants, our LORD is always sovereign and His Word is continually at work. Please join us for this most awesome book where we see the unity of the Godhead, yet at the same time the divisibility in function of the Father, Son (Messiah) and Holy Spirit.


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Prophecies take up about ¼ of the Scriptures so we cannot simply ignore them. Knowing prophecy enables us to give a clear presentation to others of why things unfold the way they do in such areas as politics, morality, technology and global ecological changes. It also helps us to rightly place Israel in God’s prophetic plan.

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Prophecies take up about ¼ of the Scriptures so we cannot simply ignore them. Knowing prophecy enables us to give a clear presentation to others of why things unfold the way they do in such areas as politics, morality, technology and global ecological changes. It also helps us to rightly place Israel in God’s prophetic plan.

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About Messianic Viewpoint TV

Welcome to Messianic Viewpoint! This TV program falls under the umbrella of Beth Ariel Congregation in Montreal, Canada. We recognize Israel in the plan of God, defending the biblical position that God is not through dealing with her, nor are His promises to her yet fully fulfilled. In these “last days” there is a great need for Jewish outreach. We pray that both Jew and Gentile would be blessed through this teaching ministry.

About Jacques Isaac Gabizon

Beth Ariel Congregation’s Messianic Leader is Jacques Isaac Gabizon, a Sephardic Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). Born in Casablanca, Morocco and hailing from a long line of rabbinical ancestry, Pastor Gabizon came to faith in 1976 after investigating and accepting the claims of the Old Testament prophets as to who the Messiah is. His teaching of the Scriptures emphasizes the Jewish perspective, incorporating the cultural, social, and rabbinical teaching to help draw a more accurate understanding of the Scriptures as a whole. J. Isaac and his wife Sharon have 4 children and ten grandchildren.

Contact Messianic Viewpoint TV with Jacques Isaac Gabizon

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Beth Ariel Congregation
CP 46521 CSP Boul. St Jean
Pierrefonds, QC, H9H 5G9
Toll free (888)-685-5902