“If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his
cross daily,and followme.For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but
whoever loses it for my sake will save it.”–Luke 9:23-24 (NKJ)
Alan Greenspan who formerly directed monetary policy in our
country once used a phrase that I never forgot; it was “irrational
exuberance.” He used this phrase to describe the bull driven
technology stocks on the late nineties. When we pair that phrase
with the steady bombardment of phony offers to “strike it rich
instantly,” it is painfully obvious that there are very few
guaranteed investments in life. Perhaps the only one we ever
really have some control over is the investment of ourselves. In
today’s text, Jesus gives us a five-part “investment prospectus”
worth heeding.
“If anyone desires to come after me” – The first step to a selfinvestment
with eternal dividends is a definite decision.We will
never accidentally stumble into committed discipleship. We
must desire the presence of God in our lives enough to make a
resolute decision to follow Him wherever He leads, no matter
the cost. Have you done that?
“Let himdeny himself” – For your decision to “stick,” youmust
fuel it with daring discipline. This means putting Christ above
every other thing, idea, and person—even yourself. Are you
doing that?
“…And take up his cross daily” – Self-denial is easy for a sprint,
but more challenging for a marathon. That’s why so many diets
fail!What we need is daily devotion.When it comes to Christian
commitment, it’s never better to “burn out than fade away.”
Are you?
“…and follow me” – Just as whimsical investments rarely
produce, so your self-investment must center on a determined
direction; namely, whenever and wherever the Lord leads you.
Are you really following?
“…whoever loses [his life] for my sake will save it”—Do the
previous four steps sound too daunting? Then consider this
delightful dividend! Jesus offers an eternally abundant life when
we consistently make a wise investment of ourselves (e.g., John
10:10, 28)! Are you?
For Discussion: Take a few quiet moments to meditate upon each part of
Christ’s challenge and the corresponding points and questions. As you’re
comfortable, share some successes and areas in need of growth.
FamilyActivity: Though nobody can fulfill this challenge for you, everyone
benefits when commitment is a family affair. Read Josh 24:1-27. As you
recite v.15 together, drive a stake in your yard and leave it there for the rest
of this season as a tangible reminder of your self-investment.