God is calling ‘Come and Listen’
Isaiah 55:3) “Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.” NIV
Don't you love this expression from God? He is reminding you to listen to His words because of a covenant and promise that he made with David.  As I read this scripture today, it made me smile and sigh at the same time.
God wants a relationship with us. He also reminds the prophet to speak to a nation who had forgotten how to approach Him. I don't read this verse as a command, but the heart of a Father that wants His children to remember that you can call on me.  I really do listen and move to your aid. 
It brings a visual to me, that God is approachable. As a parent I can imagine my own children doing something wrong and not wanting to be in my presence because they have already decided what my response will be.  However, I long to console them and speak life or healing to make things better.  My heart overrules the drastic measure to bring physical correction. Instead I want to comfort with a hug or soft words. 
Let's remember that God is not always waiting with a stick to correct us, but sometimes it's with words of comfort to bring life and rejuvenation.


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