What is the Intention of your Cry?


“During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God.” Exodus 2:23 NIV

The question I would like to ask you, in the four hundred years of slavery what made this cry to God, different?

As we look around the world the world today, and hear the news reports of parents crying for the loss of their children; the murdering spirit; the genocide that is consistently occurring; and it is mixed with the cries from the children of God asking God to do something new.

What makes this cry different to any of the other cries?


I put it to you, that this generation had seen forty years of slavery and there was about to be a power shift; there was about to be a new sovereign/ god/ pharaoh and for this generation they had no more tolerance of the old ways.


This cry was different to the Lord their God; they began to remember their God had made a covenant with their grandfathers and patriarchs of the past. This generation had rehearsed the promise with new vigor and they made a resolution together that they wanted to be the generation to see it.


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