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Generosity Leads to Joy
By Rick Warren

“There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” Acts 20:35 (GNT)

Do you want to be known as a joyful person? I dont mean someone who is always happy. Thats just not possible. I mean someone who has the joy of the Lord, whose hope is not shaken by lifes ups and downs. A joyful person sees God at work, even in their trials.

This is how you become a joyful person: Jesus said in Acts 20:35, “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving” (GNT). 

I’ve always loved this verse because its so honest. Does Jesus say theres no happiness in receiving? No. There is happiness in receiving. But Jesus says theres more happiness in giving.

That’s the exact opposite of the way the world thinks. Most of the world thinks theres more happiness in getting. The more you get, the happier you’ll be. But Jesus doesn’t think like the world. He knows you are most like him when you are giving—and that giving produces joy.

I was pastor of Saddleback Church for years and when people visited our church, they always noticed it was a joyful church. Do you know why? Because it was, and still is, a generous church. People love to give! And when you’re generous, it results in joy. It feels good to give.

God wants us as individuals and churches to be more generous because it makes us more like him. He uses our giving to bless others. And, in turn, he uses our generosity to bless us.

Do you want your family to be more joyful? Then be more generous as a family. Do you want to be a more joyful person? Then be more generous as a person.

Your joy will be a light to those around you who do not know Jesus. Your generosity will be a blessing.

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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