It’s Time to Get Back in the Race
By Rick Warren
“I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith. And now there is waiting for me the victory prize of being put right with God.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (GNT)
The movie Rudy tells the story of Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger, whose only dream was to play football at Notre Dame—even though he didn’t have the grades to get into the college or the football skills to make the team. And yet, through persistence, hard work, and endurance, he managed to join the team as a walk-on and suit up for the last game of the 1975 season.
In the mostly fictionalized ending of the movie, for the last play of the game, the players on the sideline start chanting his name until the whole stadium takes it up: “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy!” And Rudy is carried off the field by his teammates to wild cheering and clapping and chants of his name.
It's an incredible scene. But it’s nothing compared to the reception you are going to receive one day when you complete your race and cross the finish line into eternity to the applause of heaven. Just imagine Jesus greeting you, and all the saints cheering your name.
You ought to be living for the applause of heaven, because that’s what’s going to matter for eternity. One day you will have the thrill of standing before God, your Creator, and having him say something like, “You did it! You finished the race. You didn’t get sidetracked or drop out. Well done. Let’s celebrate for eternity.”
The apostle Paul anticipated that reward. In 2 Timothy 4:7-8 he says, “I have done my best in the race, I have run the full distance, and I have kept the faith. And now there is waiting for me the victory prize of being put right with God, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day—and not only to me, but to all those who wait with love for him to appear” (GNT).
Maybe you accepted Christ and started your race strong, but you have drifted into apathy. You’ve gotten sidetracked or wounded or discouraged.
Don’t wait another day to get back in the race. Start by saying this prayer to God:
“Dear God, I don’t want to sit on the sidelines for the rest of my life. I want to finish the race that you put me on earth for. Help me to stay focused on eternity and the rewards that lie ahead. I want to live for your eternal purposes and make the rest of my life the best of my life. Please help me to finish well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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