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You Take the First Step
By Rick Warren

“The priests will carry the Ark of the LORD, the Master of the whole world, into the Jordan ahead of you. When they step into the water, it will stop. The river will stop flowing and will stand up in a heap.” Joshua 3:13 (NCV)

For God to make you successful in your destiny—being who he wants you to be, doing what he wants you to do, and possessing what he wants you to have—you must courageously step out in faith

As Joshua and the Israelites were getting ready to cross the Jordan River and go into the Promised Land, God told them three times to be strong and courageous: “Be strong and courageous. . . . Be strong and very courageous. . . . Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6-7, 9 NLT).  

God repeated himself because Joshua was going to have to overcome fear and discouragement to fulfill his destiny. And you will too. Fear keeps you from starting on the path God has for you. And discouragement keeps you from finishing and possessing the land.

But you can move forward boldly, like Joshua, because:

God is with you. You don’t know what you’re going to go through, but you can know that God will be with you. Joshua 1:5 says, “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you” (NLT). 

God keeps his promises. That truth can give you confidence. Joshua 1:6 says, “Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them” (NLT).

God has told you to do it. Joshua 1:9 says, “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (NLT).  

When Joshua and the Israelites got to the Jordan River, they probably expected God to part the waters like he had for Moses. But this time was different. God had told them, “When they step into the water, it will stop. The river will stop flowing and will stand up in a heap” (Joshua 3:13 NCV).

Here’s the point of the story: The first step is always the scariest. Often, you have to take the first step in faith in order to see God do the miracle.

Let me ask you a very personal question. What’s your Jordan River? In other words, what’s the big barrier you’ve got to cross in order to reach your destiny?  

Has God told you to do something, and you’ve been afraid to do it? God has said, “be strong and courageous.” He’s told you he’s with you, he keeps his promises, and he’s commanded you to do it. Now he’s waiting for you to step out.

PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick

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This devotional © 2018 by Rick Warren. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

You can listen to Rick Warren on OnePlace.com.