Brushing teeth, drinking a cup of coffee, scrolling through social media—habits like these streamline the rhythm of our daily lives. But not all habits are equal, or even beneficial. In this message, Dr. Stanley details the seven habits that undergird a healthy spiritual life, encouraging us to dedicate ourselves to practices like prayer, generosity, and forgiveness. Make pursuing godliness a habit—you won’t regret it!
What Ever Happened to Thanksgiving?
11/18/2018The Battle For Self-control
11/17/2018The Reassuring Quality Of Faithfulness
11/10/2018The Attractive Quality Of Kindness
11/3/2018Patience - Essential To Experiencing God's Best
10/27/2018The Narrow Path To Personal Peace
10/20/2018Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.
Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.