A physical yoke is designed to bind oxen together to carry heavy loads. In contrast, the spiritual yoke Jesus offers us is light, granting peace and a restful spirit. We simply weren't created to carry heartache and troubles on our own. Shoulder to shoulder with Him, every burden is eased.
Requirements for Effective Meditation
6/20/2020Guidance Through Godly Meditation
6/13/2020Distracted from Godly Meditation
6/6/2020Godly Meditation on Courage
5/30/2020The Power of Godly Meditation
5/23/2020The Believer's War Room
5/16/2020Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.
Learn how to approach God with confidence and discover the joy of this sacred practice that has sustained believers through the ages.