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Devotionals by Dr. Jeff Schreve

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And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go up and join this chariot." Acts 8:29

Have you ever been at your job, or at your desk at school. or doing chores at home, slugging through yet another day and found yourself thinking, "What real difference is my life making, anyway?"

It is very easy to fall into the rut where you draw your breath. and draw your salary. and go through the motions of life but lose the meaning and purpose of your existence on this earth. And what is that meaning and purpose? To chase chariots. Chasing chariots makes life EXCITING and brings GREAT JOY!


Philip, a man full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3), was called of God to go to a desert road and join himself to a chariot that was traveling from Jerusalem to Ethiopia. Although it must have sounded like a strange request to Philip, he obeyed God and ended up leading a "big shot" (a court official and treasurer for the queen of Ethiopia), to faith in Jesus Christ. What a great story and a great lesson for you and me!

Why are we left here on this earth after receiving Christ as Savior and Lord? Why doesn't God just take us to heaven immediately and deliver us from the sin, sickness, and depravity that surround us? We are left here to let our light shine for Christ and to tell others about Jesus, "the way, and the truth, and the life." As the Bible says, "How shall they (lost people) hear without a preacher?" God wants that preacher to be you! It is amazing the difference you and I can make in the lives of hurting, hopeless people as we point them to Jesus through our life AND through our lips.


I was eating at a restaurant. When the food came, I asked my waitress, a young woman in her twenties, if I could pray for anything in her life when I prayed over my lunch. Her answer floored me. She said, "Yes. Pray for me. Last summer I lost two children. My two year-old drowned, and a month later, my two month-old died of SIDS." My heart broke as I saw the great hurt in her eyes.

While it may not have been appropriate in a restaurant setting, I got up and gave her a big hug. I prayed for her, gave her a 500% tip, and asked her to come by the church so we could talk with her. She came by the next day, and our women's minister and I talked to her, cared for her, prayed for her and, best of all, led her to receive Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and Lord. It brings tears to my eyes to think how God used one simple question - "Is there anything I can pray about for you?" - to make an eternal difference in her life.

Regardless of what challenges or difficulties I may have been facing this week, nothing could compare to the joy and excitement I felt knowing God used me to show His love and grace to a young lady who was really hurting and in need of Him.


Will you start chasing chariots for Christ? Will you let your light shine and your lips loose to share the good news of love, forgiveness and life in Jesus? There are opportunities all around us if we will pray and obey.

I would like to challenge you to pray three things:

1. God give me an opportunity today to tell someone about Jesus.
2. God help me be aware of it when that opportunity comes.
3. God give me courage to open my mouth when that opportunity is before me.

My friend, I truly believe Jesus is coming very soon. May we be found faithful to the main assignment He gave us to do: "Go and make disciples of all the nations."


Pastor Jeff Schreve,
From His Heart Ministries

Dr. Jeff Schreve believes that no matter how badly you may have messed up in life, God still loves you and has a wonderful plan just for you. From His Heart provides real truth, love and hope on over 700 radio stations each day, in 182 countries each week on TV, and is always available online. Pastor Jeff takes no income from this ministry. All donations go to furthering the broadcast outreach. As a listener/viewer supported ministry, we thank you for joining with us to help speak the truth in love to a lost and hurting world. Go to for more information.


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In our world today, fake news is all around us.  Many news stories are found to be purposely misleading in order to sway the public. The same is true in the spiritual realm.  The devil is a liar; and he uses lies to try to steal, kill, and destroy.  In this eye-opening series, Pastor Jeff Schreve exposes the devil's lies with the truth of the Word of God, paving the way for us to walk in victory.

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About From His Heart

From His Heart Ministries is the TV, Radio and Internet broadcast outreach of Dr. Jeff Schreve who believes that no matter how badly you have messed up in life, God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. We’re on mission to help a new generation discover their creator through the preaching of the compassionate, relevant, yet uncompromised truth of the Gospel. Pastor Jeff speaks the truth in love with clear biblical content combined with engaging, personal stories. His messages are filled with life-giving principles for everyday living and eternal assurance.

On Television: From His Heart is seen each week on Lightsource and also around the world on The Hillsong Channel, NRBTV, The Walk TV, and hundreds of TV stations across America and around the world. Go to Click Here to find the station near you.

On Radio: Click Here to listen to the daily radio broadcast available on as well as 720+ outlets across America.

About Dr. Jeff Schreve

Jeff's life has been radically changed by Jesus Christ.
Growing up in a church-going home, Jeff learned a lot about God, but he did not know God. He believed in Jesus in the same way he believed in George Washington: he knew Jesus was real, but had not personally met Him. All this changed one night after a Young Life meeting when he was alone in his bedroom. There Jeff saw his need for Christ and His forgiveness and surrendered his life to Jesus.

As a student at the University of Texas, Jeff grew in his Christian life. He graduated with a degree in business and moved back home to Houston, Texas to start a career in business. There he met his future wife, Debbie, at a single's group meeting at Champion Forest Baptist Church. They were married in 1986 and have been blessed with a wonderful relationship and three awesome daughters and two beautiful grandchildren.

A New Direction
After spending 13 years as a chemical salesman, God called Dr. Schreve to preach. He left his secure position and moved his family to North Carolina to attend Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. It was a scary and difficult move to make ... but it was one of the best decisions they have ever made. One year later, God called them to serve on staff at Champion Forest Baptist Church. In 2000, he completed his Master of Divinity degree graduating from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He graduated with a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2014 from Southeastern Seminary.

Jeff Schreve has been the senior Pastor of First Baptist Texarkana in 2003, a growing and exciting church with 4500+ members.

Contact From His Heart with Dr. Jeff Schreve

Mailing Address:
From His Heart Ministries
Box 7267
Texarkana, TX 75505

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